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Let's talk about transforming your concept into a stunning reality – from concept to excellence.


About Project

Teman App is a comprehensive solution, offering transportation services, food delivery, payment options, and more in one convenient platform, simplifying tasks and offering income opportunities. Seamlessly navigate daily routines with ease and efficiency.

The Challenge & Approach

Entering a market dominated by established competitors presented significant challenges, given their strong brand recognition and user bases. To overcome this, we embraced a strategy focused on differentiation. By offering a diverse array of services encompassing transportation, food delivery, payments, and more within a single app, we provided users with a comprehensive solution to their daily needs, carving out a unique niche for our platform amidst the competition.

My Role:
UX Designer
Project Start:
October, 2022
Time Complete:
25 Business Days

My Role & Responsibility

As a UX Designer, I played a pivotal role in preparing our design system by defining clear visual guidelines encompassing color, typography, and iconography, all geared towards maintaining our brand identity. I crafted a comprehensive sitemap that effectively outlines user journeys while accommodating all essential features and functionalities, ensuring a clear and intuitive navigation experience for our users. Next, I create low-fidelity wireframes, providing a foundational blueprint for the application’s interface structure and flow. These wireframes served as a canvas for iterative refinement, where feedback and usability testing were crucial in fine-tuning the user experience to its optimal state

Teman App UI Design
Teman App UI Design
Teman App UI Design
Teman App UI Design

From Research to Refinement

The process begins with thorough research and analysis, followed by conceptualization to formulate a cohesive design system. Wireframing sketches out the basic structure, akin to drafting blueprints. Finally, high-fidelity design adds detail and branding, resulting in a polished final product.


Research & Design System

Understanding user needs and market trends help us establishing guidelines for consistent and efficient design execution.



Sketch out the basic structure and layout of the design, providing a visual representation like drafting blueprints for the final product.


High Fidelity Design

Refines wireframes with detailed graphics, branding elements, and final styling, resulting in a polished visual representation.

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